Monthly Archives: June 2011

Got wood

Oh the wonders of technology. This little beauty from offers 1GB or 2GB of memory in handmade wooden USB sticks and would set you back about €50. I’m tempted…


My last post was in February – bloody hell, where has the time gone? It was about that time that I began my own personal reboot, with a return to the Irish Examiner, this time as Chief Sub-Editor (I have my own business cards and everything, so it must be official). All is going well enough so far, although it means this blog will be steering clear of most media stuff to avoid any clashes of interest.

In the spirit of rebooting, here’s the Downfall take on DC Comics’ decision to restart every one of its titles.


So while I get this blog back on is feet (not to mention my history blog at Chronica Minora), connect with the Examiner on Facebook and Twitter.