Links o' the day

The Levi-Prodi law and the end of the Internet. A draft law in Italy would require anyone with a blog or a website to register it with the government, produce certificates and pay taxes.

Shannon and the DAA. Seems the Dublin Airport Authority knew about the Aer Lingus plan to scrap the Shannon-Heathrow route but neglected to tell the Shannon Airport Authority.

BT bets big on wind power. I don’t blame them.

Are these 10 common money mistakes keeping you poor? Bet your sweet ass they are, or at least not making things any easier for you.

Immigration, assimilation and identity in geopolitics. As Louisiana elects its first non-white governor in a century, Switzerland elects racists.

Putting a local spin on social networking.

Iran’s leadership battles. Ahmadinejad and Khamenei are at loggerheads.

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